Hi there! Welcome to the KDP blog - a place for you to browse past weddings, and for photographers to learn from me!

Kevyn Dixon





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for brides



married couple stands under white arbor with man hugging her from behind

August 23, 2022

I’m so happy to be sharing Savannah and AJ’s Wing Haven Garden anniversary session with you today! Savannah and AJ reached out to me about capturing their anniversary portraits this year and after hearing about all of their plans, I couldn’t say no. They’re such an incredible couple and I love that they have the […]

husband and wife walk through Charleston park

June 21, 2022

Michelle and Sawyer were just the sweetest couple ever! Their Washington Park anniversary portraits in downtown Charleston were a dream to photograph, too! There’s something so romantic about Charleston so I’m thrilled that Michelle and Sawyer asked me to capture their anniversary portraits here.  Washington Park Anniversary Portraits  For Michelle and Sawyer’s portraits, we decided […]

husband and wife pose under gate in downtown Charleston

June 14, 2022

About 4 years ago, AJ and I traveled down to Charleston for the first time. While we were there, we had portraits done with Gio. She is such a wonderful lady and makes everyone laugh. It was honestly one of the best days of our trip! Just recently, Gio reached out to me and asked […]

husband and wife kiss during 50th anniversary photos

February 9, 2021

Dan and Becky just celebrated 50 years married!! Their sweet daughter Rachel reached out to me about capturing some winter anniversary portraits on the family’s property last year and I’m so excited to share them with you today. Dan and Becky are probably the sweetest couple I’ve met and I LOVED every minute with them. […]