December 12, 2017
Ohhh you guys, how is it already December?! This is crazy!!! Where did 2017 go?! Is anyone else feeling like this? I can’t be the only one.
I love this time of year sooo much. Not just because of Christmastime (although that is a HUGE reason I love this season), but also because it’s the time of year that we spend the most time with family and catching up with old friends, and it is a time of rest. You might be thinking, “Christmastime?! A time of rest?!” Yes! I don’t schedule much business-wise around Christmas except for consultations, because I want to spend as much time with family and friends as possible.
So, with family, friends, self-care, and year-end evaluation on my mind for December, I won’t be setting very many ambitious goals this month.
I am not doing a November recap because to be honest, it was a busier month than I expected, which, don’t get me wrong–is totally a GREAT thing. I didn’t reach many of the goals I set forth because I was a little too ambitious at the beginning of November, and expected I would have a little more time to accomplish them!
December is really the beginning of the off-season for photographers. I am using my time during December to look back on the past year and evaluate what worked and what didn’t. So, for business goals during December (that might lead into January), here’s what I’m looking at:
1. Workflow Changes – I have already reevaluated my workflow for weddings, but I still want to check over it again and make sure I don’t have any holes in it. I need to do this for portrait sessions as well. I already entered my Wedding Workflow into Honeybook, and oh my gosh you guys. It’s around 150 steps!!!
2. Pricing Changes – I will be creating a new pricing guide for 2019 couples, as well as changing up pricing for the 2018 portrait season. Lots to do here!
3. Preferred Vendor List – I have already compiled a Google Doc of preferred wedding vendors, but I need to create a pretty PDF to send to my couples!
Bake some Christmas goodies – I LOVE baking. A lot. I have a huge sweet tooth, and there’s so much satisfaction in making something sweet to eat. It’s kinda therapeutic. I plan to try some new Christmas recipes this year!
Participate in the Prison Ministry at my church – This is a tradition I have been a part of since I was very little! Every year, we fill large bags full of snacks, toiletries, and other goodies for inmates. It is such an awesome ministry to be a part of.
Go Christmas Caroling (also with my church) – This is so much fun. I am not the greatest singer, but visiting old people and singing to them is seriously the best! I can’t wait to do this right before Christmas.
Read more over the break – I love to read, but I don’t do it nearly enough. I am hoping to get some new business books over the holidays that I will be pumped to read!!!
So here is my question to you: What are you doing during your “off-season”? Even if you aren’t a small business owner, you can still answer this question! Chances are you have some time off for the holiday season. Are you working towards business goals? Are you evaluating the year? Are you focusing on personal goals only? Leave a comment so we can hold each other accountable and cheer each other on!
*This post contains an affiliate link, so I will receive a small commission if you purchase through the link!*
If you like this monthly goals blog post, you might also like to look back on my November Goals, and my October goals (the first time I did a monthly goals blog post!
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