Hi there! Welcome to the KDP blog - a place for you to browse past weddings, and for photographers to learn from me!

Kevyn Dixon





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siblings play during Christmas portraits in Downtown Concord studio

February 13, 2024

This winter, I had the absolute honor of capturing Christmas portraits both at our Christmas tree farm minis and portraits in my favorite Downtown Concord studio. Kristina brought her two sweet children to the studio for their own holiday portraits. We had a great time playing together in the Concord studio and I can’t wait […]

woman hugs baby by decorated mantle during studio Christmas portraits in Downtown Concord

February 6, 2024

This Christmas, I had the absolute pleasure of taking holiday portraits of my dear friend Sarah and her baby, Lucas. I’ve known Sarah since we were in middle school and we remained close friends even after we graduated high school. In 2023, she and I both had our first babies and it’s been a blessing […]