woman hugs baby by decorated mantle during studio Christmas portraits in Downtown Concord

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Kevyn Dixon





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Studio Christmas Portraits in Downtown Concord | Sarah & Baby Lucas


February 6, 2024

This Christmas, I had the absolute pleasure of taking holiday portraits of my dear friend Sarah and her baby, Lucas. I’ve known Sarah since we were in middle school and we remained close friends even after we graduated high school. In 2023, she and I both had our first babies and it’s been a blessing to have a friend on this journey of motherhood with me! I’m so excited to be sharing their studio Christmas portraits in Downtown Concord on the blog today!

Studio Christmas Portraits in Downtown Concord

For Sarah and Lucas’ portraits, we met up at one of my favorite studios in Downtown Concord. I LOVE this place! It’s got the best light and such a clean and modern vibe. They had set up gorgeous Christmas decorations and I was so happy to be able to photograph Sarah and Lucas there. He was born right before Thanksgiving, so he’s so sleepy and tiny – SO cute! 

Sarah chose a beautiful and classic black dress for their portraits. Since Lucas was still so tiny, we made sure to capture some “newborn” portraits of him all snuggled up. Sarah was thrilled to be able to snuggle him all over the studio and in front of the Christmas tree! What new mom wouldn’t be?! 

Sarah, congratulations on your beautiful baby boy! He is so precious and I’m thrilled I got to meet him and capture these gorgeous portraits for you. I can’t wait to watch you grow up!

See more holiday mini sessions at a Christmas tree farm here!

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