Hi there! Welcome to the KDP blog - a place for you to browse past weddings, and for photographers to learn from me!

Kevyn Dixon





for photographers

for brides



May 10, 2022

Congratulations to Lindsay and Bennett! They planned a beautiful and romantic spring celebration at The Stockroom at 230 in Downtown Raleigh. It was absolutely stunning and a wonderful way to wrap up my March weddings. I truly adore Lindsay and Bennett – and their families. I actually did Lindsay’s sister’s high school senior portraits a […]

bride sits on couch in The Glass Box

December 8, 2020

Oh my gosh, I’m SO excited to be sharing Tyler’s bridal portraits with you today! I know this post is SO overdue – but I’m excited to be sharing it with you now. Now that things are slowing down a bit for the holidays, I’m thrilled to be sharing some of my older work that […]