Hi there! Welcome to the KDP blog - a place for you to browse past weddings, and for photographers to learn from me!

Kevyn Dixon





for photographers

for brides



September 13, 2016

The last time I blogged about this amazing styled shoot, it was simply to share Amber’s beautiful bridal portraits! Today, I’m sharing ALL of the pretty little details that came along with this shoot. We did this shoot in mid-July….so needless to say it was HOT, and HUMID! Thankfully, we had a fabulous team of […]

August 4, 2016

I’m so happy to be sharing some of Raina’s Senior Session today! Some of the images from our time in downtown Concord are some of my favorite downtown Concord shots ever! The weather was perfectly overcast for a while…and then the bottom fell out. I’m talking torrential rain, booming thunder, and bolts upon bolts of lightning. […]