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Kevyn Dixon





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How to Clone Your Favorite Clients

For Photographers

October 2, 2018

Hi everyone!!!

Today is our fourth and LAST week of our Defining Your Ideal Client series! I can’t believe we’ve already been working towards this for FOUR weeks together!

You can read the first post here, the second post here, and the third post here!  Today I’m going to teach you how you can “clone” your favorite clients!!!

I talked about this in the first post I wrote in this series, but I think I can mention it again 😉 When we are first starting out in a new business, we tend to take ANY type of business that comes our way…which I TOTALLY understand that mindset starting out. Someone will pay me to be a photographer?! Hot dog! I’ll take any client that comes my way!

The reality of this is that we never niche down if we do this. About a year ago I changed my website to ONLY showcase weddings and high school seniors and it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made for my business!

Why? Because I was only attracting the clients that I wanted. Not that I don’t enjoy doing families and headshots, and all kinds of other photography, but weddings and seniors is what I LOVE most and where I excel.

Now that you’ve figured out which types of clients you want to FOCUS on (because we can’t be everything to everybody), here are some challenges. I have separated this list into things that you can do TODAY or THIS WEEK and things that will take a little more time.

Things you can do to attract (“clone”) your FAVORITE clients THIS WEEK:

  • Change your website to ONLY showcase the clients you are interested in serving.


This is by far the EASIEST way to start attracting your true ideal clients. I would encourage you to create a separate page on your website for each type of client. For example “Weddings” vs “Families” vs “Mothers” vs “Business Owners” vs “Seniors” and the list goes on.

  • Ask for honest feedback that only YOU can see. I do this in the form of a questionnaire after serving my couples. I ask about 10-15 questions and ask for their honest feedback to know what I did WELL and what I can IMPROVE! It’s super super easy to put this together in a CRM like Honeybook – you can get 50% off here! OR you can use SurveyMonkey or Jotform!
  • Ask for testimonials/reviews. This goes hand in hand for asking for honest feedback that only you can see. This is different because it’s something that you would post allllll over the place! Ask them to review you on Facebook, The Knot, WeddingWire, wherever you are set up to receive reviews. Then, post those reviews on your website and Instagram!
  • Give your current clients something to talk about. Maybe you send them an unexpected gift, maybe you underpromise and overdeliver when it comes to timing. Whatever you do, give them a positive experience to tell their friends about! There are so many ways to do this that would take FOREVER to talk about! You could send them a gift TODAY using BoxFox!

Things you can do to attract (“clone”) your FAVORITE clients IN THE FUTURE:

  • LISTEN to your current clients and past clients. This is easier said than done…what I mean by this is pay attention to what they are asking you in their emails and phone calls and consultations with you.
  • Address their pain points before they even ask! After you listen to them, figure out ways that you can address their questions and concerns before they even ask them. An example from my own workflow would be sending out my preferred vendors list right after they book!
  • Qualify your leads. I do this in the form of a phone call that they can book through my online scheduler. If they persist in asking for pricing or never book a call, I know they weren’t my client to begin with and I have no problem letting them go. Basically, you need to create some sort of barrier to filter out the clients who were never meant to be to begin with. Like I said, mine is a phone call. Maybe yours is within the emails or an in person meeting.
  • Position yourself as an expert. This goes back to changing your website to ONLY showcasing the type of work you WANT to do. As you continue to shoot, continue to show only what you love on your website, social media, etc. Never show something you are totally uninterested in shooting! 🙂


I hope these tips have been super helpful for you!

If you need ANY help with the questions and prompts in the last few blog posts in this series, feel free to email me directly at hello@kevyndixonphoto.com. I’m happy to help! 🙂

Want a seat at my in person workshop on October 7? Come join the fun!!! 


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