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Kevyn Dixon





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Motion Project // The Doxology


November 9, 2016

One of my favorite things to sing during worship is The Doxology, and this version gives me chills and makes me smile every single time. I have been singing this short, sweet hymn for as long as I can remember. Worship communities are very important to me, and the relationships that bloom from them are close to my heart. 

Praise God from whom all blessings flow // Praise Him all creatures here below // Praise Him above ye heavenly host // Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost // Amen

Thank you to my wonderful boyfriend AJ Bennett for his amazing mandolin skills!

Thank you to Andrew, Chelcie, Katherine, Mason, Blake, Meagan, and Ellie for coming along for the hike and allowing me record your beautiful voices and worshipping the Lord so early with me. 🙂

If you liked this post, you might also like to take a look at this personal post about the difference between vocation and occupation, this personal post about overexertion, or some of my favorite bridal portraits to date!

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