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Kevyn Dixon





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Senior // Dorothy


July 26, 2016

It was another extremely hot day for Dorothy’s Senior Session, but battling the heat was so worth it! Dorothy is so sweet and I absolutely loved getting to know her better during her session. We started at her house, which was so much fun! I love it when seniors are open to doing some of their photos at their house–it makes your photos so unique! Dorothy has a gorgeous library/parlor area right as you enter her home, which made a beautiful spot for indoor photos (yay air conditioning!!!). Then, we moved to downtown Concord and shot right around the Old Courthouse and a really beautiful church. Some of the last shots on this blog post are certainly some of my favorites! Thank you, Dorothy, for an amazing Senior Session! I wish you nothing but the best for the start of your senior year!!! 

If you liked Dorothy’s pretty Senior Session, you might also like McKenna’s Senior Session in downtown Concord, Emma’s Senior Session in downtown Concord, or Caroline’s Senior Session in downtown Kannapolis! 

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