Hi there! Welcome to the KDP blog - a place for you to browse past weddings, and for photographers to learn from me!

Kevyn Dixon





for photographers

for brides



December 29, 2016

With 2016 quickly coming to a close, I’m thinking about how this year went, and how I want to improve in 2017! 2016 was such a huge year for me. My business experienced growth that I could never have imagined in January, and I am so thankful to all of my amazing clients from this […]

October 4, 2016

So happy to have Bailey on the blog this morning! Our families went to the same church when we were kids, but I hadn’t seen Bailey in years. For her senior session, we explored the area around her school–just wait til you see this gorgeous field! Her school also has an agriculture program, so we got […]

July 13, 2016

Oh, I am so excited to share this senior session with you all!!! Caroline and I went to downtown Kannapolis, North Carolina for her shoot. Those of you who know me well know that I LOVE dance–I took dance lessons for fourteen years growing up! Caroline dances at the same studio I danced at–Cabarrus Dance […]